Did you know that a heart attack is the number one killer of women? We often talk about breast self-exams and other self-care to look for potential signs of cancer, but it is also important to watch for the signs of heart attack as well.

Different Symptoms: Women vs. Men

Many women don’t realize that the symptoms of a heart attack can be quite different between men and women. If a man is experiencing a heart attack, he will likely have some of these symptoms:

  • Chest pressure and discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Discomfort in other upper body locations

On the other hand, it is possible for a woman to experience a heart attack without the chest discomfort. Here are some of the symptoms that a woman might be having a heart attack:

  • Discomfort or pain in the stomach, arms, back, neck, or jaw
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Fainting or lightheadedness
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Cold sweats
  • An uncomfortable feeling in the chest that comes and goes

Some of these symptoms might be mistaken for an upset stomach or the flu. But, if there is any reason to believe that it might be a heart attack, then it is important to take immediate action.

What To Do If You Are Having a Heart Attack

Do you think that you are having a heart attack? You should immediately call 911 and get to the hospital as quickly as possible. If an ambulance is unable to come or you don’t have the option to call 911, then you should have someone drive you to the hospital.

Also, it can be beneficial to chew 325-mg of aspirin. Remember that treatment must be obtained as soon as possible for the best prognosis, because these treatment methods can restore blood flow within the heart to protect this important organ. Don’t delay, contact a medical professional right away if you suspect that you or someone else is having a heart attack.

Preventing a Heart Attack

Whether or not you have a high risk of heart attack, it is best to take preventative steps to protect your heart. Lifestyle factors play a direct role in your heart health, and maintaining a healthy diet is a critical aspect to prevent heart disease.

Here are some additional steps that can be followed to prevent a heart attack:

  • Don’t smoke or use any form of tobacco
  • Exercise for 30 minutes per day, 4 – 5 times per week
  • Follow a plant based diet with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains to increase your fiber consumption
  • Reduce your intake of saturated fat, such as dairy products and red meat
  • Reduce your intake of trans fat, including margarine, processed snack food, deep fried foods, fast food, and bakery goods
  • Manage a healthy weight

You might consider using natural supplements such as the products that we offer here at Luminology, which have powerful ingredients design to support overall wellness and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.